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Michele White

My role as a police officer with the Queensland Police Service provides me the opportunity to serve and protect my community. I decided to join the police ‘late in life’ after I had been thinking about doing it for ages. It just goes to show you are never too old to find out what you…

Georgia Kelly

I finished year 12 in November 2019, and was accepted into a Bachelor of Criminal Justice and a Bachelor of Psychological Science at Griffith University. I began my university journey in February 2020 studying full time. In May 2020 I turned 18 and I was eligible to apply for recruitment as a Queensland Police Officer.…

Jessica Milschus

I grew up in Central Queensland and had no idea what I would do after school.  Never in a million years did I think I would end up working in a Government Information Technology (IT) department! Our department offers some really innovative services for government, in areas of connectivity, security and computer processing just to…

Brooke Tooze

I am a Data Scientist in the Customer and Digital Group at the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy, and I love creating stories with data to help people make better decisions. Born and raised in Cairns QLD, I was an avid dancer and with that, a huge competitor. I would compete with myself…

Saba Munir Ahmed

I studied Electrical Engineering overseas and then I got married. Soon after graduation I came to Australia. My husband and I started our family and I decided to be a stay at home mum until kids were in school. Now I am a mother to 2 boys and now that they are in school I…

Natasha Page

I am a Data Analytics Consultant in the Transport team at Aurecon and I love being able to use data to help people to make better decisions.  I grew up in Guildford, England enjoying puzzles but trying to convince myself that I didn’t like maths because it wasn’t “cool”. I finally abandoned that view at…

Trang Pham

Even though most of my senior school subjects were in the STEM field, engineering wasn’t on my radar until I saw a documentary about the extension of a subway line in America. I honestly don’t remember the details of the documentary but what stuck with me was how engineering could change the lives of a…

Katie O’Donoghue

I am a Senior Project Engineer currently working on the construction of Bridges throughout Brisbane with BMD. Originally I am from Ireland and have enjoyed a career that has allowed me to travel to the other side of the globe, here in Australia.  My career has enabled me to experience a variety of projects, from…

Chantal Keane

I am a young water professional working with Urban Utilities. I graduated with a degree in chemistry and worked first as an analytical chemist in the laboratory before moving to my current position as a Circular Economy Strategist. Never one to shy away from a challenge, I worked for 18 months on the Australian Flushability…