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Rachael Kelly

I always loved to draw and use technology in an artistic expression. I also spent a LOT of my time as a child on my dad’s building sites, where he built speculative homes. Looking back, it makes perfect sense to me that architecture would be a natural outlet and career path. That didn’t stop me…

Candice McLean

I was 5 when I told my parents I wanted to be a lawyer but they were most surprised I continued with this career path. After graduating from Griffith University on the Gold Coast (my home town) I spent the next 7 years in private practice. I had my first son 10 years ago, after…

Clare McKellar

In high school, I wanted to study philosophy and economics but I was always very interested in geography and nature, loved the environment from a young age going camping with my family and exploring. However I never thought I would study it, so I enrolled in an Arts Degree to study philosophy and politics. I…

Nicole Berghuis

In Grade 11, we had a Scenes of Crime Officer attend our school for a presentation. I thought it was pretty cool, however, I found the Police uniform intimidating and was unsure of myself and how I would/could get from where and who I was to where and who I wanted to be. Between school,…

Sarah Webster

I wanted to be a teacher until grade 11, where I was exposed to some accounting and business subjects that I really enjoyed. I selected a commerce degree as I needed a higher year 12 result to study it. I didn’t really know what being an accountant would be like. I finished my university degree…

Grace Engwerda

When I was in my last year of high school, I didn’t know what I wanted to do at university or for the rest of my life. All I knew was that I enjoyed learning and more specifically I loved learning about Science and Mathematics. I had no idea that you could study both quite…

Gabriella D’Agata

I had no idea what I wanted to do after school, I just knew what subjects I liked to do and that my dad wanted me to get a good ATAR. School was super stressful, and I didn’t get the score I wanted (but that’s ok) and I ended up applying to study Chemical Engineering…

Saphy Hau

When I was 12, I watched the documentary Planet Earth. I remember the scene where I saw, for the first time, the impact of mining in scale, and the strong urge to do something and save the planet. Since then, I had always aspired to work as an environmentalist. Out of family expectation, I chose…

Kariza Martin

In year 10 I decided I wanted to be an engineer because I loved physics and math. I decided on Aerospace Engineering because I found flight so fascinating. I studied Aerospace Engineering and Business Management at RMIT University. I had an amazing university experience where I got to study overseas and do an internship at…

Julie Smith

When I was in primary school, I had my heart set on becoming a fighter pilot with the Australian Air Force. This dream influenced the subjects I chose at high school and upon completion of year 12 I was still considering this path. When the time came to decide, I was hesitant to leave home…

Jenny Whitaker

I had no clue what I wanted to do when I finished school.  I dropped out of my first degree (business) after 1 semester and started full time work as an admin assistant while I figured out what I wanted to do.  The State Government Computing Centre (now CITEC) was recruiting for computer operators and…

Caitlin Edgar

My dad has been a Police Officer since I was 8 years old and I was always inspired by his service to the community. Throughout high school, I knew I wanted to do something that was exciting and challenging, so being a Police Officer just seemed right for me. When I left school, I didn’t…

Machel Tamani

I went to high school in Melbourne, then completed my last two years of high school in Gladstone. Whilst in Gladstone, I had to complete two subjects via online distance education, as well as three subjects at the high school I attended. When I finished high school, I was set on studying Economics at university,…

Allison Roberts

I wanted to do something in the medical field when I left school. It wasn’t until my Dad started to read the job descriptions rather than the course titles that my interest was sparked in engineering. I ended up changing all of my preferences and haven’t looked back since! I started at Boeing Aerostructures Australia…

Nansita Charan

I’ve always had a keen interest in aircraft as I used to travel to Fiji to visit my grandparents quite often. Of course at the age of 4 I was only interested in the kids activity packs but that only propelled my eagerness towards the aviation industry. As a child and pre-teen I’d constantly help…

Joanna Ly

During the final years of school I wanted to be a financial lawyer. But an honest conversation with my biology teacher about my strengths in math and science opened my eyes to engineering. I lo oked up engineering courses during the change in preference window and swapped to a double degree of Environmental Engineering and…

Ellie Salmon

I grew up in Geelong, Victoria and attended an all-girls school. The career paths presented to me were healthcare, teaching or law. I moved to Melbourne to study Physio, graduated and worked for a year before deciding to head overseas. I worked at a summer camp in the uS, then spent a few months travelling.…

Laurence Ledrut

When I was little, I did not know what I wanted to become, my parents made me study sciences to make sure I had options. I loved animals and wanted to become a zoologist, however whilst studying chemical engineering I witnessed the explosion of a Chemical Factory in the South-West of France, and decided to…

Tahlia McCarthy

I am a Graduate Engineer in Civil Construction. When I was in high school, I was so unsure of what I wanted to do, I circled through about 30 different ‘dream jobs’ but in hindsight none of them were actually my dream. I loved maths and science in school and my mum suggested I should…

Soledad Rodriguez

I am a Senior Surveyor and have worked with the Department of Transport and Main Roads since 2007. I went to Newcastle University in New South Wales a long time ago and except for a short break to have kids (8 years), have worked as a surveyor since I graduated. I started as a cadastral…