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Rachael Kelly

I always loved to draw and use technology in an artistic expression. I also spent a LOT of my time as a child on my dad’s building sites, where he built speculative homes. Looking back, it makes perfect sense to me that architecture would be a natural outlet and career path. That didn’t stop me…

Candice McLean

I was 5 when I told my parents I wanted to be a lawyer but they were most surprised I continued with this career path. After graduating from Griffith University on the Gold Coast (my home town) I spent the next 7 years in private practice. I had my first son 10 years ago, after…

Nicole Berghuis

In Grade 11, we had a Scenes of Crime Officer attend our school for a presentation. I thought it was pretty cool, however, I found the Police uniform intimidating and was unsure of myself and how I would/could get from where and who I was to where and who I wanted to be. Between school,…

Sarah Webster

I wanted to be a teacher until grade 11, where I was exposed to some accounting and business subjects that I really enjoyed. I selected a commerce degree as I needed a higher year 12 result to study it. I didn’t really know what being an accountant would be like. I finished my university degree…

Grace Engwerda

When I was in my last year of high school, I didn’t know what I wanted to do at university or for the rest of my life. All I knew was that I enjoyed learning and more specifically I loved learning about Science and Mathematics. I had no idea that you could study both quite…

Gabriella D’Agata

I had no idea what I wanted to do after school, I just knew what subjects I liked to do and that my dad wanted me to get a good ATAR. School was super stressful, and I didn’t get the score I wanted (but that’s ok) and I ended up applying to study Chemical Engineering…

Jenny Whitaker

I had no clue what I wanted to do when I finished school.  I dropped out of my first degree (business) after 1 semester and started full time work as an admin assistant while I figured out what I wanted to do.  The State Government Computing Centre (now CITEC) was recruiting for computer operators and…

Caitlin Edgar

My dad has been a Police Officer since I was 8 years old and I was always inspired by his service to the community. Throughout high school, I knew I wanted to do something that was exciting and challenging, so being a Police Officer just seemed right for me. When I left school, I didn’t…

Allison Roberts

I wanted to do something in the medical field when I left school. It wasn’t until my Dad started to read the job descriptions rather than the course titles that my interest was sparked in engineering. I ended up changing all of my preferences and haven’t looked back since! I started at Boeing Aerostructures Australia…

Amber Dean

After leaving school with a vague ambition to work with people, I began a Bachelor of Arts but found it too broad. Transitioning to a more specialised Bachelor of Behavioural Science, I found my passion in organizational psychology and social science research. While at uni, I saw a casual “Research Assistant” role advertised in market…

Joanna Ly

During the final years of school I wanted to be a financial lawyer. But an honest conversation with my biology teacher about my strengths in math and science opened my eyes to engineering. I lo oked up engineering courses during the change in preference window and swapped to a double degree of Environmental Engineering and…

Laurence Ledrut

When I was little, I did not know what I wanted to become, my parents made me study sciences to make sure I had options. I loved animals and wanted to become a zoologist, however whilst studying chemical engineering I witnessed the explosion of a Chemical Factory in the South-West of France, and decided to…

Tahlia McCarthy

I am a Graduate Engineer in Civil Construction. When I was in high school, I was so unsure of what I wanted to do, I circled through about 30 different ‘dream jobs’ but in hindsight none of them were actually my dream. I loved maths and science in school and my mum suggested I should…

Jessie Nott

I completed high school in 2012 and continued to work for my gap year. I didn’t know what I wanted to do; I only knew that I did not want to go to university. I saved all my money in my gap year which funded a working holiday to Canada for the following 12 months.…

Elizabeth Kelly

From when I was very young, I wanted to be a veterinarian, but during school I started to really enjoy art and ended up being strong in the arts and sciences. I took a year off after school to try and decide which path to take and then started a degree in life sciences. Several…

Navjot Kaur

As an average student in Year 10 I hated Maths, Economics, Physics etc (anything with numbers) but coped well with other Science subjects like Biology and Chemistry. My dad was an agricultural scientist and I visited his University. I liked the campus and decided to take the entrance exam for Agriculture Science. To my surprise,…

Jessica Eadie

My life didn’t follow the exact plan I had envisioned. I dreamt of being a princess, a marine biologist, an actor, even a 3D animator for Pixar. But unexpectedly, I found myself in the realm of fire, where incredible opportunities awaited me. Growing up in a small community in South Africa, I had a hunger…

Stephanie Abbott

I grew up in Northern Ireland not knowing what I wanted to do. When I finished school, I moved out of home to Glasgow University in Scotland and studied Psychology. After completing my Bachelor’s Degree, I realised it wasn’t the career I wanted.  In 2013, I packed my bags and booked a solo one-way ticket…

Melanie Trent

I have always loved nature and wildlife and studied environmental management with the thought of becoming a park ranger. During uni I volunteered with national parks, but my graduate position was as an Environmental Officer in compliance (pollution and land clearing) with local government.  I found I really enjoyed interpreting legislation and compliance and took…

Viviana Gamboa Pickering

Ever since my family and I can remember, I was always chasing after anything alive that moved and was running around in nature. I had this insatiable urge to be close to animals and would watch them for hours. Not being allowed to have pets while growing up fuelled my desire even more to find a career…