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Chloe Swiney

All through high school I wanted to be a lawyer but then, when I graduated, I wasn’t so sure. Instead, one week after graduation, I started working full-time in a plumbing shop as a Customer Service/Admin Officer. In school, I watched my Dad who had been involved in Auxiliary Firefighting and I thought that was…

Environmental Policy Officer – Maritime Emergency Management

The role of an Environmental Policy Officer has two key focuses – providing technical advice and interpretation of marine pollution policy and legislation, and working in the prevention, preparedness and response to marine pollution incidents. A good working relationship with other Queensland, Australian and inter-state government agencies is important for the role. The Transport Operations…

Melanie Trent

I have always loved nature and wildlife and studied environmental management with the thought of becoming a park ranger. During uni I volunteered with national parks, but my graduate position was as an Environmental Officer in compliance (pollution and land clearing) with local government.  I found I really enjoyed interpreting legislation and compliance and took…

Georgia Kelly

I finished year 12 in November 2019, and was accepted into a Bachelor of Criminal Justice and a Bachelor of Psychological Science at Griffith University. I began my university journey in February 2020 studying full time. In May 2020 I turned 18 and I was eligible to apply for recruitment as a Queensland Police Officer.…

Viviana Gamboa Pickering

Ever since my family and I can remember, I was always chasing after anything alive that moved and was running around in nature. I had this insatiable urge to be close to animals and would watch them for hours. Not being allowed to have pets while growing up fuelled my desire even more to find a career…

Asiya M.Raza

In high school, I had an interest in geography and after an urban planning unit in year 11, I knew this was the path for me. I studied town planning at UQ and got my first work experience at council, where I stayed on as a graduate planner and spent three years in total as…

Stephanie Castaldo

I left “mainstream school” at the end of Year 10 because I knew I wasn’t going to do well in my exams and get a good ATAR. I could never sit still or concentrate very well and was easily distracted. I moved to a sports school for Netball, to complete my Year 11 and 12…

Leah Stapleton

My first role after leaving school was with a Transport company in NSW. This introduced me into the world of Transport and Logistics and subsequently started my career. In between then and now, I’ve managed a fast-paced restaurant, renovated a couple of houses, moved to the other end of the country, started a family, and…

Elena Rusca

After I finished High School, I started TAFE looking to complete a certificate in Business. Unfortunately, I did not manage to finish this qualification due to my mum passing, and me needing to begin full-time work to help my dad out financially. I began working in an Administration role in Brisbane, also working part time…

Ronit Better

Throughout school I always loved maths and science while having a want to make the world a better place. It came to choosing my university course and I felt medicine made the most sense. My grandfather and mum always told me that I would love Engineering, but I could never really understand it or see…

Allison Gwilt

I grew up in Toowoomba and had planned to be a pilot in the RAAF. However I didn’t make the cut so I studied engineering instead as had always enjoyed maths and problem solving. Fast forward, and I have 12+ years’ experience in the energy industry – and have loved it!  I’ve spent most of…

Natasha Page

I am a Data Analytics Consultant in the Transport team at Aurecon and I love being able to use data to help people to make better decisions.  I grew up in Guildford, England enjoying puzzles but trying to convince myself that I didn’t like maths because it wasn’t “cool”. I finally abandoned that view at…

Maddison Petrie

After completing high school, I began working in a small civil construction company as a I.T Technician. A couple years later I relocated to Brisbane and started work in a large engineering firm as a Trainee structural designer. Unfortunately, I became redundant, so I moved back home and started work in a local butcher shop. …

Chantelle Love

I grew up in NSW riding horses and playing hockey. I moved to QLD when I was in grade 6 and started going to work with my dad during the school holidays. I studied woodwork & engineering at school as electives. In grade 12 I was offered a position at Gold Coast School of Construction…

Lauren Mua

My role is as a Senior Project Engineer for BMD, I am passionate about encouraging diversity within the Construction industry. Especially empowering fellow women.  In Year 12, I had no idea the career path I wanted to take. It was only at the last minute that I applied for my University Course. As I attended…

Teena Glassick

I am an Engineering Director and work for Skedulo, a company that builds software for deskless / mobile workers; a group that makes up 80% of the total global workforce! I have had a very diverse career journey! I attended the QLD Dance School of Excellence in high school, with the dream of becoming a…

Director of I.T Engineering

A Director of Engineering (Information Technology) leads teams of engineers and guides them in the delivery of new product features to ensure that the product is always available to customers. In this role, you are responsible for ensuring that the teams are delivering what is required for the product to continue growing; recruiting new team…

Annabel Hofstee

I am an Environment and Planning Engineer with Urban Utilities, and graduated with a Dual Civil and Environmental Engineering Degree.  Starting with a dream of being a physiotherapist, I changed my University preferences on a whim, seeking a future that would challenge and excite me. I then travelled from my family in Central Queensland and…

Sustainability and Risk Strategist

As a Sustainability and Risk Strategist, my main goals are to protect people and the environment, and find ways to simultaneously bring mutual benefits to both. This role is constantly looking to the future and what changes are needed to be made now, so that we can to build and adapt communities into the future.…

Zoe Stelloon

I currently work as a front-end software engineer at Skedulo, a Brisbane based startup. I started high school at St Aidans School, and moved on to study at the University of Queensland. I was not sure at first what I wanted to do at University, so I picked Information technology because I liked my IT…