We recently shared with our partners service-delivery results for Terms 1 and 2 of the 2022 school year. Of note is the fantastic feedback received from everyone involved in the advisory calls – Years 9-12 girls, their educators and company advisors.
On average, students rated their experience a 9/10, and 96 per cent of student respondents reported knowledge increases relating to select job industries and job roles. With 94 per cent of students finding the Advisors with whom they spoke approachable, it’s clear our partner organisations are playing an invaluable role in fostering personalised learning environments.

One Year 10 student was particularly inspired by an Advisor who wasn’t afraid to ‘go against the norm’: “This experience has taught me a lot and will definitely influence my decisions in the future”.
Another student in Year 11 describes having a lot more to think about after an advisory call: “It’s amazing that we can get different points of view on different careers. I don’t really think much outside the box…so this gets you thinking and gives you all new ideas”.
Advisors are also seeing the value of providing real-time information. One Advisor from a construction partner notes: “We can also answer a lot of questions that their teachers and career advisors can’t answer because it’s so specific to our industry or role”. Other Advisors shared their insights and described how rewarding speaking to high school girls has been.

Educators participating in the calls continue to reinforce the powerful impact the experiences are having on their students, while also building their own knowledge and confidence to advise on industries or roles to which they too have had limited exposure. 9 out of 10 educators would recommend the experience to a colleague – a professional endorsement we believe speaks to the quality of the UNIQ You service!
We are also seeing the results of a service delivery approach that is underpinned by equity. Our partnership with CareerTrackers has resulted in high engagement among Indigenous high school girls across Terms 1 and 2, constituting 12 per cent of calls. To ensure geographical location is no barrier to accessing inspiring role models we’ve also prioritised engagement with schools in regional Queensland.

By all accounts the service is having a real and meaningful impact for girls, their educators, and company advisors, and the UNIQ You team could not be more proud heading into Terms 3 and 4. We’re looking forward to building on these achievements and continuing to scale our ground-breaking career advisory service to do our part in significantly moving the dial on gender equality.
Interested in partnering with UNIQ You? As one Advisor from the utilities sector put it: “The more companies that join UNIQ You the more diversity there is for the girls to talk to different women that are doing different types of work. I think that’s invaluable”. So do we! If you’d like to join the movement, get in touch with our CEO and Founder Tanya Meessmann on [email protected] or 0457 438 805.