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Ginni Brown

I am the Grower Relationship Manager for Qube Agri, and work to build the services that our business can offer growers for delivery and sale of their grain. I have always been passionate about agriculture and the bush and have worked in commodity logistics since graduating from Sydney University. My work has taken me to…

Jessica Milschus

I grew up in Central Queensland and had no idea what I would do after school.  Never in a million years did I think I would end up working in a Government Information Technology (IT) department! Our department offers some really innovative services for government, in areas of connectivity, security and computer processing just to…

Ronit Better

Throughout school I always loved maths and science while having a want to make the world a better place. It came to choosing my university course and I felt medicine made the most sense. My grandfather and mum always told me that I would love Engineering, but I could never really understand it or see…

Natasha Page

I am a Data Analytics Consultant in the Transport team at Aurecon and I love being able to use data to help people to make better decisions.  I grew up in Guildford, England enjoying puzzles but trying to convince myself that I didn’t like maths because it wasn’t “cool”. I finally abandoned that view at…

Civil Engineer

As a civil engineer within the Built Environment, we’re driven by a passion for urban development and regeneration. We recognise that engineering is at every touchpoint of our lives and so when we practise engineering excellence that has humanity at its heart, we’re creating a positive legacy that will make a difference in the lives…

Trang Pham

Even though most of my senior school subjects were in the STEM field, engineering wasn’t on my radar until I saw a documentary about the extension of a subway line in America. I honestly don’t remember the details of the documentary but what stuck with me was how engineering could change the lives of a…

Community, Diversity and Inclusion Manager

This role is very diverse. No two days are ever the same. Some of the tasks include: Assisting project teams to increase their female participation on construction sites. Designing and implementing female participation initiatives and events. Educating students, parents, and educators on construction careers for women. Engaging with clients, organisations and the community on industry…