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Technology and Digital

Strategic Change Manager

When technology changes, I make sure people change with it.
  • Confident
  • Creative
  • Flexible
  • Personable
  • Understanding

About this role

  • Communication
  • Enthusiasm for learning
  • Teamwork

As systems or technologies evolve, they need upgrades or replacements - “out with the old, in with the new”.

Businesses invest a lot of money in these upgrades and need them to be successful. Usually, people have been using the old system for many years, and they are familiar with that system and do not want to change. This role facilitates taking each person on the change journey.

The three key goals of a Strategic Change Manager is to:
1. Make sure staff know why the business is implementing this new system
2. What they need to learn or do to be able to use it
3. Finally, support them when they are using the new system even if it is difficult at first, to keep going and work through the problems

Understanding technology and systems really helps in achieving these goals.


  • Great

Working Environment

  • Flexible
  • Home office
  • In an office


  • Autonomy
  • Diverse working environments
  • Flexible working options