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Healthy and safe relationships in the spotlight during May


We at Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) believe that each of us have a role to play in the prevention of violence against women, discrimination and the promotion of healthy, safe and equal relationships.

As part of this, during May—which is also Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Prevention month—we’ve been promoting information and resources to bring this issue to light and provide support to those who may need it.

Ellie Bowden works in TMR’s Corporate Human Resources Branch in a specialist gender equity role, where she has a say in helping to shape DFV prevention policy.

“We value diversity, equality and social inclusion, and acknowledge that everyone benefits when women fully participate and contribute at work and in the community,” Ellie said.

“Achieving this type of environment requires a collective effort to address systemic issues and dismantle barriers. It’s important that we continue to work towards gender equity as a department, and in general as a society.”

If you or someone you know is affected by DFV, please contact 1800 RESPECT.