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Bushfire Safety officer

The Bushfire Safety Officer is responsible for implementing and coordinating bushfire safety measures in Southeast Queensland. This crucial role involves developing and executing strategies to minimize the risk of bushfire incidents and ensure community safety.  Working closely with government agencies, emergency services, and community organizations, they design and implement bushfire safety plans, adhering to national…

Data Scientist

A Data Scientist is someone who works to make sense out of data to better understand the world around us. As it is, companies produce an in-consumable amount of data, so a data scientist is tasked with understanding and relaying that information to others. Think of it as a language interpreter. An interpreter sits between…

National Health, Safety & Environment Advisor

This role is responsible for assisting in the development and execution of Safety, Health and Environmental strategic and operational plans, managing and driving behavioural safety change across the business, and day to day support and advice to a variety of stakeholder’s. Part of the HSE role is coordinating a consistent approach to Health, Safety and…

Safety Advisor

This role assists management, supervisors and workers by providing health and safety advice.  Other responsibilities include: Conducting safety audits and inspections of the work site.  Motivating and educating employees to follow best practices and use of safety systems.  Conducting incident investigations and reporting.  Administration duties, coordinating training for employees, develop work method statements and other…