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Saphy Hau

from Voiceover actress to Sustainability Coordinator
I help reduce carbon emissions and improve sustainability
Construction and infrastructure
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Ask me about

  • How my passion for the environment turned into a career
  • What it's like working in the construction industry
  • What does my day to day look like
  • How people perceive sustainability in the workplace

About me

  • International Experience

When I was 12, I watched the documentary Planet Earth. I remember the scene where I saw, for the first time, the impact of mining in scale, and the strong urge to do something and save the planet. Since then, I had always aspired to work as an environmentalist. Out of family expectation, I chose to study energy engineering, as environmental science was not seen as a viable career.

After graduating, I decided to pursue a second degree in environmental management. I told my parents that I wanted to become a sustainability consultant. They paused for a second, and asked ‘What does that mean? Can you earn a living with that?’ I couldn’t answer at that time, I only knew the idea of ‘giving advice on being environmentally friendly and not kill trees’ sounded too good to be true, and I wanted to be one of them. I flew to Brisbane to start my second degree and following this, I was lucky enough to get into my first job in an eco labelling company, and the rest is history.

About my role

  • Analytical
  • Curious
  • Passionate
  • Personable
  • Understanding

Sustainability Coordinators work with different stakeholders within the team, including environmental, financial, engineering, and community engagement to enhance sustainability of the company or project. They ensure sustainability objectives and targets are set and implemented throughout the construction project. This is achieved through data collection and monitoring of energy, water, and material usage and waste production, and pushing for innovations in use of renewable energy and sustainable materials.

Students Book Here


  • Bachelor of Energy Engineering
  • Masters Degree Environmental Management


  • Chemistry
  • Mathematical Methods (Maths B)
  • Physics


  • Art
  • Cooking
  • Hiking
  • Seeing family and friends
  • Soccer

15 year old me!!

“Embrace every opportunity, you never know what kind of person it would help you become.”

My career journey

Curious to know how I got here? Here’s a snapshot of my career pathway.
  1. Found my passion for the environment
  2. Studied Engineering
  3. Moved overseas
  4. Studied Environmental Management
  5. Moved interstate to work in construction

My employer

BMD is Australia's leading integrated engineering, construction and urban development business. Over a 44-year history, BMD has grown to become a $2 billion operation now sharing our expertise internationally in the Philippines and the United Kingdom. With a commitment to long-term relationships and collaborative contracting setting it apart and through a team of over 2000 skilled professionals, BMD delivers innovative and comprehensive solutions across civil construction, engineering design, residential and industrial land development, project management consultancy, landscape construction and maintenance and building construction.