Natasha Page

Ask me about
- Keeping options open by studying maths
- Being able to work in healthcare, transport and biosecurity industries
- Finding a passion for Data Science
About me
- International Experience
I am a Data Analytics Consultant in the Transport team at Aurecon and I love being able to use data to help people to make better decisions.
I grew up in Guildford, England enjoying puzzles but trying to convince myself that I didn’t like maths because it wasn’t “cool”. I finally abandoned that view at age 16 when I chose maths as one of my A Levels and then ultimately to study maths at university.
Since uni, I have been lucky to work in all sorts of industries including healthcare, transport, and even biosecurity. At age 23 I decided to go back to uni to study Data Science which opened doors to more technical roles, including being sponsored to move to Australia!
About my role
- Analytical
- Humorous
- Independent
- Observant
- Understanding
A Consultant works with lots of different clients to solve specific problems that the client might have. Generally, they are highly specialised in a particular area and so can offer a level of expertise that might not be possible if the client was to do it themselves.
The role of a Data Analytics Consultant is incredibly varied: depending on the company they work for, they might be working on projects in completely different industries with completely different questions to answer, all in one day! It might involve talking to clients or internal colleagues to work out exactly the question that needs answering, carrying out analysis (using a variety of tools such as coding, Excel, or even Maths and Statistics in more complex cases), writing reports to explain what the data is saying, or presenting findings back to colleagues or clients.
- A Levels (English equivalent to QCE)
- Bachelor of Science in Maths with Computer Science
- Master of Science in Computing (Computational Management)
- Business Studies
- General Mathematics (Maths A)
- Mathematical Methods (Maths B)
- Specialist Mathematics (Maths C)
- Operational Research Society: May Hicks Award 2017 runner up (best post-graduate student project)
- Camping
- Seeing family and friends
- Soccer
- Travel
- 1 Cat

15 year old me!!
My career journey
Kept options open by studying Maths
Sought data analysis tasks in admin role
Back to uni for Master
Career break to travel
Sponsored to move to Australia
My typical day

My employer